Monday, September 28, 2009


Most of the music posted by people has been very lighthearted and what I consider easy-listening. That's not the only type of Japanese music. I just thought that if there is anyone else in the class that listens to hard rock, they may be interested in some Japanese music of THIS variety.

and this is the techno remix of that song

Another Exciting Weekend

せんしゅうまつ うちで かいりました。ぼくは プラビデンスの フトバールの ゲームを みました。どようびの ごぜん じゅうにじはんに おきました。どよびの ごご じゅういちじじゅうごぷんに Joksimovicの うちで パーチーを しました。えと、 きょう ごご しちじはんに ばんごはんを たべます。せんしょうまつ コーヒーを のみませんでした。そして テレビを みませんでした。

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Day In The Life

ぼくは まいにちの はちじはんに おきます。おさごはんを たべません。ぼくは にほんごの クラスへ かえります。シャワーを おびます。コーヒーを のみません。としょかんで べんきょうしません。
I hope everyone got the Beatles reference in the title. 

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A little bit about me

はじめまして。ハバメルです。 どうぞ よろしく。ぼくは アメリカじんです。 いちねんせです。せんこうは いがくです。I guess my favorite J-Rock band is Asian Kung Fu Generation. I first heard about them because my friend watches Bleach and they played some songs in there that I really liked. After that I imported quite a few of their CD's and I listen to them pretty often. Here is one of my favorite songs by them.
Also, since I don't think I ever fully addressed why I took Japanese class, it's because I've been fascinated by almost every aspect of Japanese culture since I was young. As a child, I played pokemon and watched movies about samurai. More recently, I watch anime and read manga. I still love the romantic idea of samurai and I also LOVE sushi. One other deciding factor was that I didn't want to take a language that was commonly offered at the high school level so that I wouldn't be expected to know anything about the language. Japanese seemed to fit that description. I really hope that I can study abroad there or at the very least visit before I die. So that's a little bit more about me.